Meeting Date:
Town of Olive
Resolution #24 of 2021
Resolution to Amend the 2019 Compensation and Benefits Manual
WHEREAS, the Town of Olive Town Board adopted Town of Olive Compensation and Benefits Manual
in December 10th 2019; and
WHEREAS, Section 5.1 of the Compensation and Benefits Manual makes Medical Insurance available
for full-time employees and eligible family members; and
WHEREAS, Section 5.1.5 Premium Payment (hired after 7-1-2001) states: “For an employee hired into a
full-time position on or after July 1, 2001, the Town pays one-hundred percent (100%) of the monthly
premium for individual coverage. In the event the employee enrolls in a two-person or a family plan, the
Town pays fifty percent (50%) of the difference of the premium between individual coverage and
dependent coverage”; and
WHEREAS, the contract for the union-represented employees of the town caps the maximum employee
contribution at $500 per month; and
WHEREAS, Section 5.1.6 of the Compensation and Benefits Manual allows the Town Board, at its sole
discretion to change the amount of insurance premium an employee or elected official is required to
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Town of Olive Town Board adds the following
language to the Compensation and Benefits Manual Section 5.1.5 Premium Payment “Notwithstanding
the above, the maximum employee contribution is capped at $500 per month.”
Motion made by:
Seconded by:
Jim Sofranko, Supervisor _____ _____ ______
Andrew Boggess, Board Member _____ _____ ______
Scott Kelder, Board Member _____ _____ ______
David Edinger, Board Member _____ _____ ______
Victoria Read, Board Member _____ _____ ______
Dated this 12th day of October, 2021
Dawn Giuditta, Town of Olive Town Clerk