

Photo Galleries

Olive Pubs and Inns

Olive Schools

Around Town

Special Collection

Reservoir Construction

Local Photographers

175th Anniversary

A Town is Born

The Celebration

Celebration News Clips

Historical Quilt

The Meeting House

Preserving History

The Restoration


Around Town

Herman’s Store

Colonge’s Store

at the corner of Watson Hollow and Rt 28A

Quick’s Store

The Samsonville General Store

Shokan Village

Under Water

VanSteenburgh Lane

Town of Olive in 1912

Shokan West Main Street

West Shokan

Looking east from the Ulster Delaware rail tracks.

Route 28 and 375

Although not in the Town of Olive, visitors who travel 28 to get here go through this intersection. This is the intersection of Route 28 and Route 375.