

Building & Zoning

Dog Control Officer





Tax Collector

Town Clerk

Town Court

Transfer Station


Dianna Carchidi

Assessor’s Aide:  Robin Quick

Contact Information

845-657-8118 menu option 2

Fax: (845) 657–6117

PO Box 180
West Shokan, NY 12494

Monday – Friday 8 am – 3 pm (except holidays)



Property Tax Exemption Paperwork Due March 1.



Assessment Rolls Per NY State Law

The assessor is the official who estimates the market value of real property within the town. Assessments are based on an analysis of sales of properties within the town and information provided by Ulster County and NY State with the ultimate goal of maintaining a fair and equitable assessment roll. Our office is also responsible for the administration of real property exemption programs and for providing other reference materials such as property inventory cards, tax maps, etc.

Key Dates:

Exemption Filing Deadline: March 1
Taxable Status Date: March 1
Tentative Roll Filed: May 1
Grievance Day: Fourth Tuesday in May
Final Roll Filed: July 1

We are happy to provide you with any help and/or information regarding assessment and real property issues. The records of assessments and inventory are open to the public and may be inspected at the office during regular business hours. Further information and forms may be obtained from the county and state web sites. The NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services has merged with the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, and the web site for information regarding Assessments and Property Tax Information, including exemption information and application forms, are now accessed at the new web site: Tax NY

Open latest assessment roll for the Town of Olive