Police Commission
Contact Information
Robert T. Krause
John Kurz
Earla VanKleeck
The Town of Olive Police Commission is comprised of three town residents appointed by the Town Board. The Police Commission duties include accepting and accounting for any complaints received with respect the Town of Olive Police Department, police operations, or the actions of its police officers. The Town of Olive Police Department and the Town of Olive Police Commission are expected to act in accordance with the Town of Olive Police Department Mission Statement and the Town of Olive Police Department Policies and Procedures.
All complaints will be submitted confidentially to the Police Commission and reduced to writing. Complaints will be fully investigated and acted upon accordingly. All complaints will be handled confidentially to the extent legally possible.
Any person making a complaint will be given an accounting of the handling and disposition of the complaint by the Town of Olive Police Commission.
All Town of Olive Committees with the exception of the Olive Wastewater Advisory Committee are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Supervisor. The various Town committees offer advisory opinions and recommendations to the Town Board. Current appointed committees include Cable Franchise Negotiations, Parks & Recreation, Emergency Management, Buildings Evaluation & Maintenance, and Flood Advisory Committee.
Flood Advisory Committee
The Town of Olive is subject to flooding that can damage property, close businesses, disrupt traffic, and present a public health and safety hazard. Recognizing the need for a town wide Flood Mitigation Plan the Town Board by Resolution #8 of 2014 established the Olive Flood Advisory Committee (FAC). The committee is an advisory body to the Town of Olive Town Board to produce a Flood Mitigation Plan and to recommend priority strategies and actions for the town. The FAC is comprised of Olive residents along with the Town Supervisor and multiple representatives from the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program–who is the facilitator and funding source for Olive’s flood mitigation process.
The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program is comprised of Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County, and New York City Department of Environmental Protection. The three agencies work collaboratively to improve stream stability and reduce erosion threats to water quality and infrastructure, mitigate potential damage from flooding, and educate and inform communities about stream stewardship.
Several federal programs require that the Town has an adopted flood mitigation plan in order to qualify for benefits. One being, application and participation in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS). Participating in the CRS provides an incentive to maintaining and improving our flood plain management program. Depending on the level of participation, flood insurance premium rates for policy holders can be reduced up to 45%.
It is important that Town of Olive residents be involved in the development process of planning and implementing our Flood Mitigation Plan.
Conservation Advisory Council
Information. Education. Action.
Our mission is to help the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of
Appeals make informed decisions about residential and commercial development.
The OCAC helps town decision-makers balance future development with the
preservation of our town’s natural beauty by gathering vital information about
environmental conservation and protecting our natural resources.
We strive to educate and inform town residents about energy saving strategies and
actions they can take to combat climate change locally through in person seminars and zoom webinars.
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Contact us
Matt Kovner
Chester Karwatowski