Meeting Date:
Town of Olive
Town Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Town Hall, Bostock Road, Shokan
Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approve September Minutes
NYS Dept. of Transportation-Designation of Restricted Highway Contract D264785, Pin 8815.31 Rustic
Rail Replacements in Orange and Ulster Counties
UC Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board inclusion of 2 parcels in town
UC Legislator Chair Tracy Bartels asking for volunteers for the UC Law enforcement Community
Engagement Committee
Ray Negron letter asking to be included in the NYC Flood Buyout Program
Presentation to the Board:
Ulster County Planner Dennis Doyle will address the board on the modification of the public safety radio
tower on Tonche Mountain in Shokan and the county request for zoning immunity
Budget Modifications:
General Fund Modifications:
Transfer from Reserve “C” Police $34,885.00 to 3120.2 Police Equipment (as per Resolution # 25
of 2022)
Transfer from Contingency 1990.4 $18,025.00 to the following:
1110.2 Justices-Equipment $315.00
1450.4 Elections- Contractual $710.00
8160.4 Refuse & Garbage Contr. $17,000.00
Transfer from Reserve “B” Transfer Station $10,000.00 to 8160.4 Refuse and Garbage –
Contractual (as per Resolution # 28 of 2022)
Highway Fund Modifications:
Transfer from Reserve “A” Machinery $85,500.00 to 5130.2 Machinery Equipment (as per
Resolution #20 of 2022)
General Fund #440-#494 $ 89,287.72
General Fund #492-#494 $ 2,824.33
Highway Fund Vouchers #174-#195 $215,028.41
Special Lighting Prepaid voucher #9 $ 78.49
August Cash Received: $29,930.93
August Interest: $682.14
Public be Heard
Additional Business:
Resolution #29 of 2022 Approving Application for JCAP Grant
Resolution #30 of 2022 Establishment of the Shokan Sewer District in the Town of Olive plus Exhibit A
Resolution #31 of 2022 Amending the Employment Practices Compliance Manual
Motion to allow Assessor Dianna Carchidi to take her paid time off, in whole or part, and work from
home at her discretion for 12 weeks after delivery of her newborn
Update on Planning Board consultant Leslie Dornfeld and Planning Board Application Policy
Motion to authorize the Supervisor to sign a contract with Willdan for LED lighting upgrades to the Town
Hall facility
Affordable Housing updates
Set dates for budget meetings
Committees, Commission, Department Reports:
Cable Franchise Negotiations Committee—Jim Sofranko, Chair
Parks & Recreation Committee—Scott Kelder, Liaison
Highway Superintendent—Brian Burns
Police Commission—Drew Boggess, Liaison
Town Clerk—Dawn Giuditta
Scenic Byway—David Edinger
Conservation Advisory Council—Vikki Read, Liaison
Zoning- Drew Boggess Liaison
Comprehensive Plan Committee – Drew
Buildings & Grounds- Scott Kelder, Liaison
Coalition of Water Shed Towns- David Edinger, Liaison
In Memory of
Rosalie Fagerstrom, Alan Nissen, Janet Nelson
Corresponding Documents
Resolution# 29 of 2022 Authorisation JCAP Grant Application
Resolution # 30 of 2022 & Exhibit A
Resolution #31 of 2022 Amendment to the Town Employment Practices and Compliance Manual